Square ceiling diffuser with nozzles for supply air

  • Adjustable discs
  • Also available for air exhaust
  • 100% flexible spread pattern
  • Can be used for vertical air distribution
  • Swirl function
  • Designed for modular suspended ceilings (595 x 595 mm)
  • Easily accessible for maintenance and adjustment
  • ALS reduction box with 1 or 2 size changes between inlet and outlet
  • Available in a low installation height version
  • Standard color white RAL 9003
    • 5 alternative standard colours
    • Other colours upon request


COLIBRI Ceiling Taisnstūrveida
25 dB(A) 30 dB(A) 35 dB(A)
l/s m3/h l/s m3/h l/s m3/h
125-400 34 122 40 144 46 166
125-600 34 122 40 144 46 166
160-400 40 144 48 173 58 209
160-600 40 144 48 173 58 209
200-500 64 230 75 270 89 320
200-600 64 230 75 270 89 320
250-500 70 252 81 292 95 342
250-600 102 367 115 414 135 486
315-500 75 270 88 317 102 367
315-600 107 385 124 446 140 504
400-600 122 439 140 504 160 576
COLIBRI Ceiling Taisnstūrveida
25 dB(A) 30 dB(A) 35 dB(A)
l/s m3/h l/s m3/h l/s m3/h
125-400 100-125 27 97 31 112 37 133
125-600 100-125 27 97 31 112 37 133
160-400 125-160 35 126 41 148 49 176
160-600 125-160 35 126 41 148 49 176
200-500 160-200 59 212 70 252 81 292
200-600 160-200 59 212 70 252 81 292
250-500 200-250 66 238 75 270 88 317
250-600 200-250 94 338 108 389 125 450
315-500 250-315 72 259 83 299 97 349
315-600 250-315 102 367 120 432 138 497
400-600 315-400 116 418 135 486 155 558
*) Lp10A = skaņas spiediens A-filtrs ar 4 dB telpas vājinājumu un 10 m² telpas absorbcijas laukumu.
Dati, kas norādīti apakšējā tabulā, attiecas uz atvērtu aizbīdni, ja tiek izmantota nodošanas kārba ALS.