Adriatic VAV

  • Climate beam with cooling, heating and ventilation for demand-controlled indoor climate.
  • Equipped with control equipment for stand-alone or connectable to BMS via Modbus.
  • Designed for suspended installation, either hanging or mounted directly against the ceiling.
  • Complete product with integrated damper for variable air flow control 0-100%.
  • Stylish design component in two optional versions.
  • Energy-efficient operation since the room is ventilated, heated and cooled exactly as called for by the load, neither more or less.
  • Highest possible comfort with provision for individual control at a product or room level.
  • Large working range in one and the same product simplifies planning.
  • As an optional extra, there is a connection casing for concealing the ventilation duct and water pipes.
  • Service-friendly with folding design component for easy accessibility.


Technical data

Variant Supply air Performance
Size Air connection: Pa* l/s m³/h Total cooling capacity (W)** Sound level (dB(A))
1.2 125 50 14 50.4 518 <20
1.2 125 50 21 75.6 596 24
1.8 125 50 10 36 539 <20
1.8 125 50 20 72 796 <20
1.8 125 50 31 111.6 934 25
2.4 125 50 14 50.4 788 <20
2.4 125 50 30 108 1101 21
2.4 125 50 44 158.4 1236 28
3 125 50 17 61.2 946 <20
3 125 50 34 122.4 1298 20
3 125 50 52 187.2 1467 30
*Total pressure duct (Pa)
**Air: ΔTair=7K, Water: ΔTmk=8.5K, water flow=0.05 l/s for 1.2 m and 1.8 m, water flow=0.1 l/s for 2.4 m and 3.0 m
***Including -4dB room attenuation