Iekštelpu klimats_privātmāju ventilācija_Ecowise_

Installation requirements for heat pump solutions

The European renovation wave has begun, which means that a large number of old heating and cooling systems are currently being replaced with modern heat pump solutions that have a lesser impact on the climate. However, before replacing equipment, an important aspect must be considered – the available space for the new heat pump or chiller.
Jau zināms, ka Eiropas Zaļās vienošanās priekšlikumu paketes mērķis ir padarīt Eiropu klimata neitrālu līdz 2050. gadam. Tas ir monumentāls uzdevums – ne mazākā mērā būvniecības nozarē. Sabiedrisko un privāto ēku renovācija ir izcelta kā galvenā iniciatīva energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanai šajā nozarē, un tā būs būtiska mērķu sasniegšanai. Renovācijas viļņa stratēģijas mērķis, ko Komisija publicēja un paziņoja 2020. gadā, ir divkāršot energorenovācijas rādītājus šajā desmitgadē. Tas rada izaicinājumu būvniecības nozarei kopumā, tostarp apkures, ventilācijas un gaisa kondicionēšanas (AVK) jomai.

One of the three main improvement areas identified is the decarbonization of heating and cooling in buildings. To reduce associated emissions, there has been a rapid increase in demand for heat pump solutions to replace, for example, old-type boilers. The use of heat pumps for heating and cooling has several advantages, which were previously discussed in the Ecowise blog. Here, we would like to address a very important aspect to consider when replacing equipment: the dimensions of the new equipment compared to the available space. In this regard, size truly matters. 

Modern, efficient, and high-performance equipment often is larger in size than the old equipment they replace. This is because a large heat exchange surface is required to achieve the necessary effect. Therefore, if there is a plan to replace equipment, it is first necessary to measure the space where the new equipment will be installed to ensure that the space is sufficiently large.

It is worth noting that around the equipment, a service area must also be provided, necessary for both regular planned maintenance and emergency maintenance. The service team needs at least minimal space to perform their work properly. Additionally, air source units can operate at lower efficiency than optimal if they are placed in too narrow a space. The space in the building intended for the equipment must be large enough to optimize efficiency and avoid operational problems.

If the intended space for the equipment is too small, there is no simple solution. It is rarely possible to expand the space in an already built building. However, depending on the configuration and application, the problem can be solved, for example, by installing two smaller units that work together, instead of one large one. This is possible thanks to improved Bluethink control and System solutions. We are happy to help explore possible alternatives!

There are also special cases where space is critical when installing equipment that uses a flammable refrigerant – for example, R290, which is based on propane. R290 has several advantages, the most prominent of which is an extremely low global warming potential (GWP). However, the placement rules for equipment using propane are stricter than for other types of equipment that use non-flammable refrigerants. Mandatory safety zones, such as distances to doors and electrical equipment, must be taken into account.

If you need to replace older equipment or find a solution for a new project, we are here to help. We can help explore the specific circumstances of your planned equipment replacement. We can carefully consider the most appropriate options together before selecting a solution. 

While the Renovation Wave is mainly associated with heat pumps, the mentioned aspects also apply to cooling equipment. Contact us and check out our product range here Cooling & Heating Production Archives – Ecowise.
