WISE Paragon

  • Comfort module for demand-controlled indoor climate integrated in Swegon’s control platform WISE
  • Complete product with integrated damper for variable air flow control 0-100%
  • Energy-efficient operation since the room is ventilated, heated and cooled exactly as called for by the load, neither more or less
  • Highest possible comfort with provision for individual control on a product or room level
  • Simple installation and connection to the WISE system
  • Large working range in one and the same product simplifies planning


Technical data

Air flow range: Pressure range: Cooling capacity total: Heating capacity:
l/s m3/h Pa W water (W) electricity (W)
0 -85 0 – 306 20 – 200 Up to 3180 Up to 5060 Up to 1000
Length Depth Hight
(mm) (mm) (mm)
800, 1100, 1400 722 (+0-20) 205