• Comfort module for demand-controlled indoor climate.
  • Equipped with control equipment for stand-alone or connectable to BMS via ModBUS.
  • Complete product with integrated damper for variable air flow control 0-100%.
  • Energy-efficient operation since the room is ventilated, heated and cooled exactly as called for by the load, neither more or less.
  • Highest possible comfort with provision for individual control at a product or room level.
  • 4-way air distribution and Swegon's ADC (Anti Draught Control) provide maximum comfort and flexibility, both today and for future needs.
  • Large working range in one and the same product for easier design.

Technical data

Variant Supply air Performance
Size Air connection: Pa* l/s m3/h Total cooling capacity (W)** Sound level (dB(A))
600 Ø 125 75 20 72 493 26
600 Ø 125 75 25 90 564 28
600 Ø 125 75 30 108 631 30
600 Ø 160 75 25 90 566 27
600 Ø 160 75 35 126 697 30
600 Ø 160 75 45 162 809 33
1200 Ø 125 75 25 90 882 26
1200 Ø 125 75 35 126 1077 28
1200 Ø 125 75 45 162 1218 30
1200 Ø 160 75 30 108 900 23
1200 Ø 160 75 60 216 1375 28
1200 Ø 160 75 80 288 1591 34
1800 Ø 200 75 60 216 1590 30
1800 Ø 200 75 80 288 1890 33
1800 Ø 200 75 100 360 2135 35

* Total pressure duct (Pa)
** Air: ΔTll=7K / Water: ΔTmk=8.5K, twater=14/17°C