FALCON Ceiling

Circular ceiling air diffuser for supply air

Circular supply air diffuser for ceiling installation. Manages large supply air flows. Well-suited for constant as well as variable air flow. Air above or below room temperature can be discharged in a horizontal or vertical spread direction into the room. Suitable for comfort and industrial premises.

  • Manages large supply air flows
  • Horizontal or vertical distribution pattern
  • Provision for motorised adjustment of the distribution pattern
  • Suitable for airborne heating.
  • Can be used with the ALS commissioning box.
  • Cleanable
  • Standard white RAL 9003
  • 5 alternative standard colours
  • Other colours upon request


FALCON Ceiling
25 dB(A) 30 dB(A) 35 dB(A)
l/s m3/h l/s m3/h l/s m3/h
125 48 173 57 205 68 245
160 70 252 83 299 99 356
200 112 403 132 475 156 562
250 170 612 202 727 240 864
315 265 954 312 1123 370 1332
400 431 1552 505 1818 590 2124
500 631 2272 743 2675 875 3150
FALCON Ceiling
25 dB(A) 30 dB(A) 35 dB(A)
l/s m3/h l/s m3/h l/s m3/h
125 100-125 24 86 34 122 44 158
160 125-160 34 122 46 166 66 237
200 160-200 54 194 68 245 95 342
250 200-250 82 295 105 378 155 558
315 250-315 125 450 150 540 210 756
400 315-400 200 720 245 882 325 1170
500 400-500 310 1116 375 1350 450 1620
FALCON Ceiling + ALS ekspluatācijas kārbas kombinācijas dati ir norādīti 50 Pa kopējam spiedienam un horizontālai sadales shēmai.
*) Lp10A = skaņas spiediens t.sk. A-filtrs ar 4 dB telpas vājinājumu un 10 m² telpas absorbcijas laukumu.